Gas prices fluctuate like a yoyo, do you remember when gas
used to cost much much less.
Now look at your “cheaper” gas price and ask yourself one question...
Is it cheaper, or are they just gouging me a little less?
I bet your know the answer. And I also bet you think there’s nothing
you can do about it, right? You’re just one person, after all, and who
are you to take on powerful Exxon and the others?
Well, prepare to be shocked, because I’m going to let you in on a
little secret.
You can run your car on WATER.
Read that again. It’s not a joke, or some kind of wacky scammy thing.
It’s the truth, and even better, you can convert your existing car!
If you can’t believe what I’m saying, see the scientific proof right on
this page: