DrainCom plumbing, waterproofing, foundation repair and drain services - Toronto - Home repair services, maintenance services, Toronto - 645650


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DrainCom plumbing, waterproofing, foundation repair and drain services - Home repair services, maintenance services

Ref. number: 645650 Updated: 03-06-2011 05:43

Offering: Home repair services, maintenance services in Canada, Toronto

DrainCom Inc. the Great Toronto Area plumbing and waterproofing experts with a focus on providing great service. DrainCom.com focuses a lot on keeping the customers happy and providing the best service. The problem is finding a way to communicate that DrainCom.com provide better service than everyone else. Some other benefits we offer to customers is cleanliness of their home, the best warranties in the GTA, the best expertise, and the best technicians. DrainCom is not the cheapest in the Great Toronto Area but we are the best.

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First name: Mike
Last name: Rid
Phone number: 416-989-5757
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