Dr Anoop K. Ganjoo Cardiothoracic surgeon at Apollo Hospital - Toronto - Health services, beauty services, Toronto - 2755480


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Dr Anoop K. Ganjoo Cardiothoracic surgeon at Apollo Hospital - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 2755480 Updated: 25-02-2019 12:06

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Canada, Toronto

Dr. Anoop K. Ganjoo is a cardiothoracic surgeon at Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, Apollo Hospitals, Delhi. With over two decades of rich professional experience in his field, Dr. Anoop K. Ganjoo Cardio Thoracic Surgeon India has treated several patients in India and gives every patient the best of medical care. To contact the Cardiologist in Delhi, get in touch with us through the contact details given on our website. For E-mail & Appointment with Dr. Anoop K. Ganjoo, Best Cardiologist & CardioThoracic Surgeon, India. Email ID: dr.anoopk@indiacardiacsurgerysite.com Number: +91 - 9765025331 Visit Us: https://www.indiacardiacsurgerysite.com/consult-dr-anoop-k-ganjoo-best-cardiologist-cardio-thoracic-surgeon-apollo-hospital-delhi.html

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