East River Dental Care - Toronto - Health services, beauty services, Toronto - 2578912


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East River Dental Care - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 2578912 Updated: 14-11-2017 12:52

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Canada, Toronto

East River Dental Care dentists in Newmarket use the latest technologies and modern methods to provide full dental service for you and your family. Our experienced team performs such complicated procedures as wisdom teeth extraction and removal, invisaling and highly effective professional teeth cleanings. East River Dental Care also includes children dentistry and emergency dental clinic in Newmarket, offering pain-free emergency tooth extraction and installation of braces, dental implants and all-on-4 dental implants. If you really care about your oral health, call us right now, schedule your visit and get be sure to have your teeth fully examined. Prevention is always better than treatment!

Contact information
First name: Canadian
Last name: Flooring
Phone number: 4166451775
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