FIBROBLAST PLASMALIFT TRAINING (DEC 2) - Toronto - Health services, beauty services, Toronto - 2556564


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FIBROBLAST PLASMALIFT TRAINING (DEC 2) - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 2556564 Updated: 15-11-2017 21:45

Price: 3 900 CAD $

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Canada, Toronto

You can give your clients amazing skin tightening results. $2900 including FREE MACHINE AND KIT. Sign up for training now and be one of the first technicians to offer this revolutionary treatment in Canada. Don't wait until all your competitors are doing it. These temporary tiny Carbon deposits will disappear in a few days and leave the skin tight and renewed. #Fibroblast are the principal cells responsible for producing more #Collagen. When treated with this technology the wrinkled and loose skin react by tightening. This creates a lifting effect on the skin. This beauty treatment is very popular in Europe and amongst celebrities. This treatment must be done by a trained and certified professional. Treatment areas eyelid, crows feet, neck, stomach, hands, forehead, lips, See training details on our website

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First name: Eyelash
Last name: Canada
Phone number: 416 410 8152
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