Chiropractor - Dundas Chiropractic - Toronto - Health services, beauty services, Toronto - 2531381


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Chiropractor - Dundas Chiropractic - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 2531381 Updated: 18-08-2017 22:19

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Canada, Toronto

Dundas Chiropractic Centre is located in Oakville and offers professional chiropractic care, spinal decompression therapy, registered massage therapy, orthotics Oakville residents have come to trust. Dundas Chiropractic Centre is run by Dr. D. Geisler, a registered chiropractor with over 20 years of experience and an impressive reputation among chiropractors. Our expert team that can provide you with a multitude of different health services have helped hundreds of clients receive relief from their daily pain and allow them to enjoy their life better. As an Oakville health centre we are ready to provide medical assistance for many different needs like chiropractic and chiropody that Oakville needs. Contact us today by visiting our website or calling us to learn more about what the best chiropractor Oakville has can do for you with a free consultation.

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Contact information
First name: Donlad
Last name: Geisler
Phone number: 9052575628
Mobile number: 9052575628
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