October 17 - VOLUME CLASS 3D(dimension eyelash training) - Toronto - Health services, beauty services, Toronto - 1809532


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October 17 - VOLUME CLASS 3D(dimension eyelash training) - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 1809532 Updated: 25-09-2014 02:50

Price: 495 CAD $

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Canada, Toronto

Eyelash Canada will be hosting A one day 3D (dimension) Eyelash Volume advance training course. This advance training is open only to Certified Eyelash technicians. This is a very intensive hands on class and all trainees must already be fully capable to apply a full set of single extensions using the Advance HP (high performance) Adhesive. Kind Regards, Eyelash Canada Twitter : Eyelash_Canada Instagram : Eyelash_Canada www.eyelashcanada.com 16 Orfus Rd. Unit 205 416-410-8152

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First name: Eyelash
Last name: Canada
Phone number: 416 410 8152
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