TEETH WHITENING TRAINING - Toronto - Health services, beauty services, Toronto - 1546096


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TEETH WHITENING TRAINING - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 1546096 Updated: 16-11-2013 00:40

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Canada, Toronto

There is one step to take towards a successful business Teeth Whitening is an industry that is rapidly developing and changing the field of aesthetic beauty – and it is vital to learn from those who have superior knowledge and experience in the process. Yvette Spencer offers you a chance to learn the latest and most advanced techniques and the highest standards of education in the teeth whitening industry. Be a part of Eyelashcanada Team. Enroll now! FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL EYELASHCANADA @ 4164108152 OR 9058956346 You may visit our website @ http://www.eyelashcanada.com 16 Orfus rd. unit 205, M6A 2T2 Toronto

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First name: Eyelash
Last name: Canada
Phone number: 416 410 8152
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