BEST SAP TRAINING - Toronto - Education, training, lessons, Toronto - 1192641


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BEST SAP TRAINING - Education, training, lessons

Ref. number: 1192641 Updated: 18-09-2012 08:08

Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Toronto

If you dream for a sparkling future… want to stand out in the crowd…oppurtunity is knocking at your doorsteps.. IIBS (Innovations in Business Solutions, Inc) is a Training & Consulting Private institution since Jan 2005 with a student database 2000 nos. We have our Branches in Mississauga and Toronto and we also have our centers outside Canada. We are also in Corporate Trainings and are linked up with various Corporate houses. All our trainers are very Senior Consultants over 15 years of Experience in their respective fields. Courses offered: SAP SD, MM, FICO, HANA, BODS, BI/BW, QA, BA PMP…… If you would like to have more information about the courses, you are requested to visit us personally in our free seminars on weekends and our career counselor would be glad to give you detailed information and career guidance. You are also entitled for 2 hours session for your chosen course before taking admission in IIBS, it is absolutely FREE! ! To register for FREE seminar please contact us on / Tel : 905-268-0958 / 416-273-3940 or register yourself on To know more please log in to our Website

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First name: IIBS
Last name: sap
Phone number: 905) 268 095
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