Eyelash canada's Other Aesthetic services - Toronto - Health services, beauty services, Toronto - 1006244


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Eyelash canada's Other Aesthetic services - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 1006244 Updated: 08-07-2014 07:27

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Canada, Toronto

Eyelash Canada specializes in Eyelash Extensions and Hair Extensions, however our Master Technician, Yvette Spencer is also a Certified Esthetician with more than 12 years experience in all Esthetic services. In addition to Eyelash and Hair Extensions, Yvette offers the following services to our clients: Eyebrow & Eyelash Growth Serum Permanent Makeup Laser Hair Removal Waxing Hair Removal Microdermabrasion Chemical Peel Deep Cleansing Facials Acne Facials Anti-Aging Facials FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL EYELASHCANADA @ 4164108152 OR 9058956346 16 Orfus rd. unit 205, M6A 2T2 Toronto

Contact information
First name: emmy
Last name: amores
Phone number: 4164108152
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